I'm a Gray Geek!

From the days of thicknet, vampire taps, MSDOS, 286s, Windows 3.0, 3.11 and brown hair.
Along the way I served my country and got an education about servers, storage and networking.

One of the most important things a small business owner, or even a home user can do is backup data. So many people lose precious and irreplaceable data (read- family pics and videos) every day. Many people do try, but if not automated, often become lax. If they had just spent a little money they can have their data for years and years, safe and secure. Data longevity is one of the biggest concerns of the US government, it should be yours too. CDs, DVDs, hard drives, thumb drives all will fail in time. At most, 10 to 15 years.

Scientist have said, in 100 years, 'we' will have less pictures from the last 100 years than we do from the first 100 years. Think of that. How many of you use film cameras anymore (1%). Let’s talk about home storage, networking and backups.

Network security can be addressed at the same time a backup solution is crafted.

Home routers, like the 95% of us use, are still running the same old security measures invented in the late 90s. Today, high-tech security from the commercial market can be had for the home. High quality, secure remote access come along with many of these packages.

I can only ask you to consider this.

So many people save personal data on their PCs. It only takes one incident, a fraction of a second to take, steal, and destroy your data (and good name). This can result in years of hard work to recover from and be expensive. Ask yourself, do I know someone who had their identity stolen. Do I know someone who had a virus so bad it wiped out their computer? I bet you do.

 This in the end, can cost us so much more than the security and backups I speak about. All the cost can pay for itself by saving us from one bad hard drive, or hack.

Please feel free to contact me and let me know your needs. I do not need to know details to give you an idea of how and what to do to improve your situation